freesurfer_statsurf_display: Freesurfer surface results display in MATLAB

Welcome to freesurfer_statsurf_display. freesurfer_statsurf_display contains a collection of scripts to display Freesurfer surfaces with its cortical parcellations coloured for rapid figure generation in MATLAB.

Freesurfer 6 produces cortical parcellations. This collection of functions displays the average surfaces and colours the regions of the cortical parcellations as a figure in MATLAB. The following colouring schemes are supported:

The folowing parcellation schemes are supported:

For the Desikan-Killiany and Desikan-Killiany-Tourville schemes, the highlighted regions are annotated with either their full names or shortened names. Highlighted regions will either have significant p-values for the other plots, user-specified masks can be supplied to select regions to colour and annotate.

The plots are customisable with options to change the title, legend name, group names (p-value plot).