DWIMotionCorrect - reducing reigstration bias

Installing DWIMotionCorrect

DWIMotionCorrect is a python script and doesn't require building. However several prerequisites are required and must be installed.


  1. git (for installation and easy updates)
  2. FSL 5.x
  3. python 2.7 and the following packages
    • numpy
    • scipy
    • nibabel
    • distutils
  4. Gnu parallel (optional)


git clone https://github.com/DevelopmentalImagingMCRI/dwimotioncorrect.git

Updates to DWIMotionCorrect can be fetched using

git pull

Python prerequisites

Python libraries required can be installed using pip or your system package manager:

apt-get install python-nibabel python-numpy python-scipy


pip install nibabel scipy