DWIMotionCorrect - reducing reigstration bias


The method implemented was described in :

Improved Accuracy of Motion and Affine Eddy Current Distortion Correction in High B-Value Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using Brain Mask Based Weighting Functions, Christopher Leslie Adamson, Richard Beare, Deanne Thompson, and Marc Seal, ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting and Exhibition, April 2013.

  author =   {Adamson, C.L. and Beare, R. and Thompson, D. and Seal, M.},
  title =    {Improved Accuracy of Motion and Affine Eddy Current 
                  Distortion Correction in High B-Value Diffusion 
                  Weighted Imaging Using Brain Mask Based Weighting
  booktitle = {International Symposium on Magentic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 
               21st Annual Meeting and Exhibition},
  year =     2013,
  month =    {April}}